Mel Merrill, Margaret Meyer, and others at the 1983 San Diego Democratic Club Freedom Banquet

A greyscale candid photo of a group of people interacting at a table. In the background are heads of other people sitting at tables. The table is filled with wine glasses and coffee cups. In the center is a number “26” and a flower arrangement in a vase. There are folded napkins and plates of food along the table as well. The person on the far left is barely visible but has a large hairstyle of right curls. They are speaking to the table. The person to the right of them has medium length tight dark curls. They are wearing large clear brimmed glasses. They are posed with their elbows resting on the table and their hands folded. They are wearing a suit and a black watch. The person in the center has a receding hairline and a mustache. They are wearing glasses, a black bow tie, and a black and white tuxedo. Their name tag reads, “Mel Merrill. 28.” They are smiling at the person talking. The person on the right side of the photo has short dark curled hair and bangs. They are wearing large glasses and smiling. They are dressed in a light jacket with shoulder pads. Their name tag reads, “Margaret Meyer. 28.”
Publication date: 7 September 2022