Don Clark and Ginny Apuzzo at San Diego Democratic Club's 1983 Freedom Banquet

A greyscale photo of people sitting at tables and conversing at an event. The background is dark, but people of various ages are visible sitting down with one standing up. There is a projected in the back right of the photo. In the bottom center of the photo are two people smiling at a table. The table is full with cups, napkins, and flowers. The person on the left has short light hair and is posed with their arm around the other person’s chair. They are leaning in and speaking. They are wearing glasses and a black and white tuxedo. Their nametag reads, “Don Clark.” The person sitting to right of them has short dark hair and they are looking at the other person while they speak and they have their arms crossed. They are dressed in a long sleeve dark shirt and a nametag that reads, “Ginny Apuzzo."
Publication date: 7 September 2022