John Eberly, Reverend David Ferrell, and Gil Caldwell at the 1983 San Diego Democratic Club Freedom Banquet

A greyscale photograph of a group of three people of various ages sitting at a table and smiling. The background is dark but shows people sitting at various other tables with some people standing up. The table is set and shows plates of food, filled glasses, and flowers. The person on the left appears to be older, white, and is looking off camera to the right. They are balding on the top of their head but have a full beard. They are wearing a dark colored suit with a striped tie. Their nametag reads, “John Eberly. 21.” The middle person is Reverend David Ferrell of Metropolitan Community Church. He is white and has short dark hair and a full beard. They are wearing glasses and a dark pinstripe suit. They have a silver cross necklace on top of their tie. Their nametag is partially blocked by the flowers, but “David” is visible. The person on the right is Black and they have short dark curly hair. They are smiling and looking off camera to the right. They are wearing a light colored suit with a striped button up and dark tie. Their name tag reads, “Gil Caldwell. 21.”
Publication date: 7 September 2022